Christmas Fayre - 2013

The Christmas Fayre 2013 raised a total of £1,375.22 of which £481.33 (35 % of the total proceeds) was donated to Community Centre Charity and rest £893.89 was given to Chapelford Village Primary School.

Event Highlights

  • The day started early for volunteers and even earlier for Exquisite Marquees who were already on the site to set up Control Centre and Grotto marquee at 07:30 AM.
  • Stall holders started coming at 08.30 AM as did Radio Warrington who provided the PA system.
  • Liz Lawton who helped in getting sponsorship for Santa€™s Throne arrived with it by 10.00 AM.
  • Councillor Faisal Rashid was on the venue to help with setting up activities and helped put banners for event.
  • Paul and his team of Kings Community Choir arrived as promised on 10.30.
  • Stalls were all set up by 10:55 when Chief Inspector Giles Orton arrived.
  • The event was opened at 11.00 and both Councillor Faisal Rashid and Chief Inspector Giles Orton congratulated the Chapelford community to come together and thanked organisers for making the event happen.
  • This was followed by the wonderful performance by Kings Community Choir and Warrington Brass Band.
  • Between 12.30 to 15.00 there were dance performances by the Revive Dance group and everyone enjoyed listening to the very sweet voice of Jenna E Socttow.
  • The number of visitors kept going up with a steady stream and stallholders were very busy and some had to restock as many as three times and some were even sold out by 15.00.
  • With stock levels going down , most stallholders having exceeded their targets and feeling tired and event approaching the close time, the stallholders started packing things.
  • By 17.15 all stallholders wrapped up and went but not before meeting one of the volunteer and every single one of them was delighted and wanted to know about the next event and some even wanted to be part of organising team.
  • By 18:00 Exquisite Marquees were finished wrapping up the Control Centre and Grotto Marquee.
  • Volunteers then picked up the litter bin bags and equipments and cleared the site.

Event Invite